Mimosahostilisuk pre order mess

Paid for 1kg and I have had one email from them saying they will refund if I want, I have tried all ways of contact to get ahold of them after this but nothing. Does anyone else have an order waiting to be fulfilled by them?

I know they had trouble with customs on previous orders but with complete radio silence on what is happened I don’t know what to do. Is there a way of getting hold of the actual bloke about it as i would gladly wait but nothing is being updated

If you know about and understand the situation like you say that you do then you would already know for sure that there’s no way that I’m just not responding to you or anyone personally, and I’ve never scammed or not completed anyone’s order when it is possible for us to do so,
But we don’t have the stock right now so I can’t send out what I don’t have

But in regards to you saying you have tried all ways to contact us but received no reply,
I have over 115 WhatsApp business messages alone right now, that’s without text messages & emails, plus website chats and social media inboxes

So there’s only so many replies that I can physically do on a day to day basis while at the same time applying for the neccesary documentation and certificates to be received so that I can continue with arranging for the restock/new shipment being sent to us.

I’m more than happy to send you the screenshots of how many unopened messages we currently have, just to prove my point that if I haven’t replied to messages from you then it is not a personal thing at all, it just means that we obviously don’t have the stock right now to send out orders and we are busy arranging whatever is needed to get the shipments ready for collection and to be sent by our shipping courier, but once everything is ready and the stock is actually either here in the UK or on the way then you can be sure that I’ll go through every single message that has been received and everyone will get a reply at some point but ideally when it is relevant or I have a official update to ETA etc

First of all, what is your order number so that I know who I’m actually speaking to and how to get in contact with you?
For example it should be 5 numbers long and look something like #10636
If you can’t find your order number then even just the name that you used when you placed the order will be enough for me to find it for you and get in contact with you.

But overall, we are not fully active on the business accounts at the moment simply because

  1. We haven’t got the stock right now.

  2. We have been applying for the the documentation which has been recommended to us from a customs broker and deemed as completely necessary for us to continue sending any stock home if we want to continue to do so without having or causing anymore problems that we have have already experienced with customs etc in some of our previous/last shipments,
    So for us to ignore the advice that they are recommending would be really stupid and only more than likely to cause further delays which I’m not willing to risk wasting anymore time with.

So fast forward to now,
Last week we finally received all the documentation that we was recommended to apply for but we just had to wait for the government officials to process, accept or deny it.
And once it was approved then we had to wait for them to return the official papers to us just so that we can now attach them to the shipments before sending any future stock and risking anymore confiscations/seizures or loses.

I do tell everyone who places a pre order with us or anyone who already has a pre orders pending that you are all entitled to a full refund at any time for whatever reason so just ask… and also if you ask around there isn’t a single person that has ever asked me for a refund that I have not completed or refused them,
I actually would rather refund every pre order before having ppl waiting for stock to arrive just to save the frustration and misunderstanding from customers which I can understand at times.
But also at the same time I’m trying my best to not let anyone down or disappoint and that is the only reason I still allow people to place pre orders if that’s what they want to choose to do

So again bro, send me your order number or order name and if it is just a refund that you want that is no problem to me at all.
Let me know whatever you want to do.

I actually wouldn’t of seen this message if a customer didn’t point it out to me as I was logged out of my account here without even knowing it

Looks like your response boils down to:

  1. How dare you reach out? You should already know I’m busy.
  2. I’m so busy.
  3. I’ll prove I’m so busy.
  4. Excuses.
  5. Again, sooooo busy that I probably won’t see messages.
  6. If you’re gonna bitch, just take your money back so I can avoid dealing with you.
  7. I’m so bad at customer experience that I have to be told by other customers that there’s a problem.

Sounds like you need to get your shit together and quit blaming the customer. If you have so much business that it’s too much of a hassle to address customer concerns, I suggest a new hire. If you’re having problems with stock or customs, deal with it and adjust your lead time. None of these things are customer concerns and, frankly, shouldn’t even be visible to the customer. A customer needs to know lead time, tracking and basic information if you can’t meet your promises. Unmet promises are alerts that you need to change something and not an indication of business as usual.

You make yourself sound like a guy with bags of bark in his living room, doing a one man operation under the pretense of an actual business. If that’s true, take a business class and tighten up your operation. If you’re an actual business, you need to do a complete 180 in your customer relations and hire people that know what they’re doing.

Also, “bro” is unprofessional in any business correspondence.

Do better.

What am I actually reading here? Lol.
For one reaching out on a place that we are clearly not active on daily especially when we have no stock, I think that’s really simple to see and understand.
This place is a list for vendors etc not something that is linked directly to our website so we get zero notifications for comments or messages here,
But pointing out the obvious how does it make sense or become relevant to even leave a comment here without any order number or order details and also not message directly through the website that you actually placed the order at?
There’s many options very clearly for direct contact on the website and in the confirmation emails when someone does actually place a order so why someone would choose to contact here instead of the more obvious and relevant options plus without even leaving any order details is actually baffling and I suppose must only makes sense to themselves.
Because one thing I know for sure is I have already been through every direct contact information/messages that we have to try see and figure out where this comment originates from and there is no contact at all that relates to these claims for me to reach out or resolve any issue that is being claimed here…
So what more can I actually do than that??
If the comment is left as a random name with no information for us to link to a actual order then what else can be done from my side other than requesting the order number or any details etc?
The only way this situation makes any sense is if it’s a none legit comment from someone who doesn’t even actually have any order with us, otherwise I wouldn’t obviously need to keep requesting for that type of information…
Surely the whole point of commenting is they are looking for a resolution/refund etc, right?

Secondly you’re commenting over what exactly?
If the person themselves haven’t even left a order number or any kind of information for me to follow up and actually see what order they are speaking about, then what are you even commenting for when you don’t even have any order or experience dealing with us personally yourself?
Do you honestly think you are making any sense at all here or what outcome are you looking for or trying to achieve?
My guess is that you’re the same original commenter who didn’t reply to my first initial response because I asked for a order number which you can’t provide because it’s not a genuine experience/order,
So now you have resorted to making another account and commenting again but making it out as if you’re speaking on behalf of a different person and a situation you clearly have no knowledge and experience with.

Please explain how I’m supposed help a random comment without any information/order number etc?
That’s just a basic understanding I think we can agree on that

But honestly how do you expect me to reach out to anyone and resolve anything that you feel is a problem if I don’t even know who the order is that you’re rambling on about?
Anyone who is genuine or with actual common sense would of at the least left a order number or some kind of information nevermind choosing the correct way to contact us like directly through the website that you placed your order with…
The website shows very clearly the business email address, contact number, WhatsApp, and a direct website chat,
But the fact they/you haven’t and aren’t doing that tells me a lot and makes me question if these comments is even actually about a genuine order,
Otherwise they surely would of already left a order number or some kind of information for me to get in contact for whatever this situation is about… agree?
But why would you want to comment without actually being contacted,
Think about that for a second, because those actions just don’t make any sense at all for someone who is apparently so angry with a order or customer service etc

So again I’ll give the option and chance to provide a order number or any information that you/they can or want for me to follow up and help with whatever the situation is that is being commented about but without any detail or information then I obviously cannot help you and at this point it’s becoming pointless for me to even reply without having that information as there’s no end or resolving in back and forth comments that don’t relate to any order as I’m not here to debate anyone,

I can’t be anymore “professional” than that and if you honestly think I’m being unprofessional and if you do truly think I’m making excuses well I could show you what that actually looks like if I really wanted to by stopping the replying completely and don’t even give the attention to ask for any details or show any interest in these comments at all anymore…
Because why am I even replying if I’m making excuses or I’m so unprofessional and I have no intentions of keeping customers happy?
Especially when there is no information/order to relate to and not knowing this is a genuine comment.
So to not reply is obviously the easy option for me, and I can do that right now if I really wanted to but if I’m so unprofessional and making excuses like you say then why am I actually even here taking the time to reply and even giving these comments a chance to provide details to resolve the whole situation?
Because If I’m actually hiding anything or I’m making excuses then how does it make any sense for me to even reply or give a chance for anyone to provide a order number when if I really wanted to I could ignore the comments and situation altogether.

I’ll tell you why, simply because the claims and what is being said here is completely false but there is only so much replying and attention that I’m willing to give to something that very clearly has no outcome if someone can’t even provide the simplest of detail for the claims such as a order number or any type of information relating to a supposedly placed order or bad experience etc.

So again and honestly final time,
If you can’t or won’t provide the simple and basic information I’ve asked for multiple times now then don’t expect anymore replies or attention from me as I’m not willing to run around in circles with you to a pointless no end debate which you’re very obviously just wanting to argue about without providing any clear detail to the situation at all,
And without a doubt have no experience ordering with me whatsoever because otherwise we would not be commenting here instead of the obvious other options on our website whenever you place a order with us which are to direct contact via our website chat, email or WhatsApp etc… that’s very obvious to point out and anyone who has ever placed a order with us knows very well that we are reachable via those methods, messaging here is not a option that we ask/give or recommend from our website or personally at all, so I think that speaks for itself.

As I’ve already said and it’s very clear and obvious to see and find out for yourself,
We don’t and have NEVER ever scammed or lied to anyone at all…
every single person who has ever placed a pre-order with us has either received their order or if asked for a refund has always received it without any questioning,
And they all have always been told very clearly from the start that they are entitled to a full refund at ANYTIME “just ask”.
If you placed a pre-order then that is off of your own back knowing quite well what that means,
But truth be told for me personally I’d rather nobody places pre-orders as I don’t like that type of situation for any disappointments to be possible and I hate having unfulfilled orders on my website and in fact I’ve even removed that option completely now just to avoid any more situations or debates like this.
But more importantly every single person who ever did place a pre-order ALWAYS got messaged directly from me explaining the whole situation and given the option to be fully refunded there and then instead of waiting for the stock to arrive, and they are also told that I’ll just email them once the stock has been received by us here in the UK instead, just so that they are not waiting around and they can re-place their order once the stock has actually arrived if it is still needed at that time.
But if they reply saying that they understand and still choose to wait and keep the pre-order active then that was/is their choice,
But now that is the price I pay here for trying to keep customers happy.
So just because stock doesn’t arrive at a certain time frame that someone personally needed or wanted it they resort to leaving a negative comment with no real meaning for any outcome and also any detail at all to resolve the situation,
That is just not something I can agree or understand at all.
So that alone does honestly make me question how legit these comments are and if there is even any outstanding order with us because as I’ve already said it makes zero sense to leave comments here never mind leaving them without any details for the company to follow up on

One thing I can guarantee and any regular customers or previous buyers all know for sure with me is I never lie, and I’m not a scammer by a long shot and never have been…
It’s very easy to figure that out for yourself as I’m certain it’s easy to find and ask someone who has already placed orders or pre-orders and dealt with us in the past,
But I can guarantee there’s not a single person who I avoid or don’t help in terms of refunds or information/updates on any situation when I’m asked and contacted.

We have always had a good reputation simply because of our customer service we’ve always provided no matter how big or small a order is and also the products standard of quality that we give out,
“Regardless of your unprofessional customer service claim’s” even tho you’ve clearly never placed a order or dealt with us yourself to claim that.

That’s actually a big part of the whole delay we experienced is simply because If I really wanted to Incan order more stock tomorrow from multiple other suppliers but if I’m not sure of the quality or I haven’t used a supplier often enough before then I’m not willing to take that chance in sending something that has the potential to disappoint my customers,
And by doing that I will always get the people who don’t understand that side of things and voice their opinion based on not receiving things at the time they personally want it,
Sad reality is that some people will just always spit out their dummy’s in any situation just to try get what they want when they want it.

But when I’m asked a question or for information at any time and point I always reply with the information that I have and what I know at that time, I can’t be anymore “professional” or transparent than that wether you like it or not,
My word is only what I’m being told or know based on supplier/vendors that we work with and shipping couriers etc.
I only provide the information that I’m being told or know at the time when I’m being asked and anything in-between in terms of harvesting, sending or collecting the stock for delivery is out of my hands.
I only have control over stock when it is actually in my possession here in the UK so expecting anything more than that from me makes no sense in the real world,
It’s a simple logic to understand that if I don’t have it in my possession or in my country then I don’t have any control over these things or anything in between and I can only tell you what I’m being told until that time comes.

The very obvious reality is if you do honestly think I’m lying or making excuses about stock arriving, then you need to understand that there is nobody at all who needs or wants the stock to arrive ASAP more than me at this moment,
Absolutely No one has been waiting or spent more time, energy and Money on waiting for the restock more than I have.
While at the same time trying to keep everyone informed and happy with replies and updates on a situation that at the moment is beyond my control until it’s here in my possession…
I simply can’t do anymore than that.

Now with that being said,
If anyone does actually have a pre-order with us and you don’t want to wait any longer then it’s real simple and has always been a option to
“ask for a refund”.
But to do that you need to provide order details/order number etc…
The fact that I even need to point this out and have had to mention this more than once is actually crazy but if you can’t even provide the simplest of detail then I’m going to consider any comments like this as false and not a existing order and you’ll no longer get anymore responses or attention from me if there’s no detail/information for me to relate to and on what is being mentioned.

Overall Enjoy your Christmas and wishing you a much better positive spirit for the new year

I’m not reading that wall of whine. Thank you for confirming that you run a business that I never have and never will use.

Your reply is no surprise at all :joy:
I can guarantee you read it but you know quite well what I’m saying is accurate and you have nothing more you can complain about

Have a good Christmas and happy new year anyway :+1:

Any update yet? Been waitng about a year now!

Same dude, I had no response from him for few months now

Bro how can I get in contact with anyone who doesn’t leave a order number, or contact details of any kind?
I don’t have any orders with the name of your account here so I don’t know how you expect me to know who I’m talking to or what order we are referring to

Any order number? Or name?
If you can’t provide me with a order number or some kind of detail for me to look into and get in contact with you then I’m going to assume you’re leaving false reviews and trying to give our website a bad name like the previous comments here,

It’s common sense that if you are wanting and expecting for any kind of contact from us for a order being placed then you need to give me some kind of contact or order details to reference to,
If you can’t provide this I’m not going to continue replying to your messages as you can clearly see from the previous messages that we’ve been experiencing false claims from a bitter hateful and jealous supplier who is on here and based in the same city as us that I won’t name, but I’m mentioning it to make any legit/real customers aware of the current situation.

And just to be clear,
Any regulars or anyone who knows me personally as a person or has any kind of past/previous experience with ordering from me knows that is not the type of person I am at all or in any way.

If I was a scammer then I’d have no reason to be replying here even just to explain myself,
That makes no sense at all.
Please think about that for a second and make it make sense



EMAIL: info@mimosahostilisuk.com

Bro, Im not complaing about an order, Im asking when youre getting bark, its apparently been stuck in customs or stolen for well over a year now. It feels like its never gonna happen at this point. What on earth is the hold up?

And other people saying there has been radio silence are probably refering to your whatsapp that you used to comunicate on all the time but now ignore.

Some kind of update here would be great. I have no pre order, and your bark was by far the best. I cant find any other decent sources in the uk. When business was running you were great, so just let us know whats up.