Mimosa Hostilis UK Ratings Thread

Mimosa Hostilis UK Ratings Thread
overall 5.0 2 communication 5.0 2 shipping 5.0 2

Use this thread to rate your overall experience with the vendor. You can use the text box to explain your rating or link to any supporting content.

i have known an used these guys many of times over the years
@MimosaHostilisUK .com🙏🏾
always had high quality mimosa bark from them plus real good quality b.caapi {yellow+red}

i have been gettn a minimum of 2.2 up to 2.8 :tshirt:’s dyed from there shredded quality mimosa bark depending on the time an effort which i can invest.
overall great helpful people and communication, really fast replies fast shipping and amazing quality peoducts so i would highly recommend :100::vulcan_salute:t5::green_heart:


I have bought mhrb many times from here and they are a pleasure to deal with. I have tried bark from all UK vendors and this is my go to place :ok_hand:

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