Looking for a dye vendor to make some t-shirts

Hey I’m just looking to dye some shirts and would appreciate some assistance here

Hey dude! I hope you’ve taken a look at our rules on the sticky in General :wink:

For dying cloth really you just mix some ground up powder like ACRB or MHRB with your white cloth and simmer it for like a 30mins to an hour. There’s many legal use cases for products sold here or found in the wild, I made a post in Use Cases about it if you wanna check it out. That’s all we support here.

Beyond that we are a little short on vendor reviews. Did you need a vendor recommendation?

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Yes, I would like to find a vendor for mhrb, prices of clothing is high now days and homemade clothes are becoming chic.


Well if you’re in the great old North you only have two real options for domestic, Prime-Bark-Canada or Woodyes. Both trusted vendors, I personally use Prime Bark since Woodyes was always out of stock in the pst but they appear to have a lot more now a days.

You’ll probs be happy with either! I would def stick to domestic.


Thank you I’ll take that “root” pun intended.


from Canada, best place is Primebark
top quality, shipped super fast

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Unfortunately as of apr 1 2023 prime bark doesn’t offer in Canada anymore, got a cease and desist letter from the govt

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