sale pricing

  • Quality: # of :tshirt: dyed, I dyed 2.6 pairs of :shorts: or I made 1.1 bars of soap :soap:
  • Price:
  • Weight:

Comments: Offering kilograms of Brazilian mimosa hostilis for only $120/kg , I am the original owner I don’t know why there’s the claim that my website is a scam, I’ve sent thousands of orders since opening, I can offer discounts for bulk 10kg for $1000 or 50kg for $4500, for bulk customers I can offer in person meet ups so no one has to front thousands.


I can vouch! Great price and quality Bark! And you are very responsive if i ever have questions you always get back to me within 24hr …ive never got bark anywhere else and i don’t plan on switchin up lol an im about due for a KG so ill be hollerin when i get my funds right

Thanks for your business!, it would be nice if we were removed from the scam vendor list!!
We offer in person meet up purchases if anyone is hesitant to front payments.

1 Like

I’m down to try a kg of your stuff… Have been using Lafayette and Prime bark… Be nice to have 3 to rate.

I’ll take 1
Of your kilograms

I would be very interested. @Dylan_Derbyshire have you placed an order?

Hi. I’m trying to figure out the difference between product code 221111241777 and product code 22111125. They are both 1 kg of shredded inner root bark imported from Brazil and shipped from the USA. Only thing I see different are the prices and also the email addresses provided for ordering/incoices (which seems a bit fishy to me) I’m hoping you can explain the difference for me.


Im interested in the 1kg offer. How do i set that up?

Also interested in a 1kg shipped powder ^

I would like for Patrick to contact me please I’m a regular customer that lost his personal phone number. would like to place a large order of bark and could meet at our regular meeting place buy the pond
The shamen

Im trying to get on this website but all i get is an error code saying cant be found. Does anyone know if this site is still active?

I’m trying to best up proton mail